Here's a final look at the completed quilt. Fits my bed beautifully. I just couldn't talk her out of taking it home with her.

David and Patti relaxing in preparation for Saturday's ride.
Dan, Rick Dennis and Don (behind Dennis' knee) with their beverage of choice.
Saturday morning arrived and we were ready to roll. The above photo was taken at a SAG stop ( I think) and David was ahead of us. From left to right: me, Dan, Rick Dennis, Don, Patti.
This SAG stop was at the LaGrange City Park. The SAGs had wonderful cookies, lots of fruit - blueberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches and plums - along with peanut butter & jelly, gorp, gatorade and water. The SAG stops were well organized and placed frequently enough to allow adequate energy refueling.
Dennis getting ready to ride after lunch.
Saturday's route went through Shipshewana. We had lunch at the Garden Gate Cafe - a real treat. The food was excellent and the service was even better. But, I can't tell you how much it pained me to not even walk into Yoder's Department Store and look at the fabric. I didn't even make it to Lolly's! Oh, the withdrawal symptoms!!
The enticement of the day was the homemade ice cream at the end of the ride. This Amish couple had the one stroke engine churning the ice cream - raspberry and vanilla. Inside the dining hall was a quartet, the Goldmine Pickers, for entertainment. It was a wonderful way to end the day. Sunday morning found us back in the saddle, riding up towards Michigan and the lovely lakes that dot the countryside. We took a slightly shorter route and found more hills on the route than on Saturday. But the overcast skies and morning mists were a blessing.
There were several picturesque churches on the ride but I found this one particularly appealing. It's actually the only photo I took on Sunday.
We completed the ride with just enough time to strike camp and pack the vehicles before the rains came. It rained most of the way back home; stopping somewhere around Indy. The fields in Bartholomew County looked even worse than when we left and the heat was oppressive.
It was a wonderful weekend of riding, friends and fun. Thanks, Dennis, for inviting me to join the group.
Beautiful colors in the sock and I'm sure the pair will be wonderfully warm when she gets the second one completed!
Kathy then went on to show us the quilts she had completed. For many of them, she had the blocks already completed and just needed to put them together. She's also getting adventurous and is quilting the smaller quilts, doing a lovely job. She even used a decorative stitch to do the diagonal quilting on the blue and white quilt (if my memory is right). We oohed and aahed over the the quilt with the bold colors and black and white mixed in - you can see a touch of the black and white border peeking up on the left hand side of the couch. Notice, too, the wonderful baby sweater. While not technically a quilting UFO, we counted it as a completed project. It is gorgeous.
I showed my quilts next - having completed the quilting on the quilt I made while in Cambria this year. But...I'm saving the picture for later as it has some Christmas and housewarming presents in the picture as well.
Deb finished out the show with her quilts. The Irish Chain is for son John as he heads to college. The stunning quilt in purples with lime green accents was a kit from Shiisa earlier this year. If she lets me quilt it, it may get "lost" in my house! I should have taken a close up picture of the orange and blue quilt. The borders are lots of eyeballs - silly goblin eyes, funny monster eyes - just lots of fun. And we're waiting for completion of the plaid quilt in white, pinks and greens. This was fabric purchased at Calico Point during our Shipshewana foray and she has one block completed thus far.