I visited the Harmony Quilt Guild in North Vernon last night. It's always interesting to visit other guilds to see how they operate, to learn about the projects in which they're involved (this group makes quilts for the local WIC program), and find out other creative ideas. This guild certainly had quite a few interesting things going on including a fabric exchange one month and a block exchange on alternate months.

They also have a traveling box, here being opened by Jeanie. There were scads of fun items in the box including fabric, scissors, finger cots, a tote bag from the Chatauqua weekend, hand made note cards that were wonderful and best of all - chocolate! She'll take the box home and at the next meeting will bring it back filled with a different selection of items.

Of course, there's always Show and Tell. I don't remember the name of the lady (on the right) who made this gorgeous top. She said that once the fabric was cut, it went together quickly. I have a large print fabric that I'd like to make into a bed quilt and a relatively simple design like this would be a great way to showcase the fabric.
The Top Hat Quilt (above) was pieced by Norma. It's really visually striking, isn't it?

Jackie had the most interesting item for Show and Tell. Apparently she had seen a thread stand like this at a quilt shop for $69. And I thought $16 for a thread stand was expensive! A friend of hers made this for her and it only cost her a can of pop and a bag of chips! Such a deal. What a cute way to dress up a functional item. So if you know someone who welds, have at it.
A fun time with a wonderful group of women.