This year has gotten off to a running start ... busy, busy, busy! Our Guild met on the 9th and we had a great turn out. Lots of show and tell! I thought there wouldn't be too much because of the holidays. Boy, was I wrong! Take a look.
Susan is showing a gorgeous quilt top. |
Sara showed the cute Snowman Santa quilt she had completed. I think she used it as a door hanger. |
Here's Lillian's Block of the Month she completed. She did this through Sharynn's Quilt Box in North Vernon. Harriet Carpanini quilted it for her and did a fabulous job. It was gorgeous! Harriet is a HandiQuilter Educator and you can see why they have her teaching about longarm techniques. |
Jamie had these applique blocks - I think she bought them from an antique store. She set them in this quilt and then had an Amish friend of hers hand quilt it. Beautifully done. |
Here's another of Jamie's quilts. Don't you love the scalloped greenery? I forget the story behind this but it certainly is wonderful to see. I really like the green binding - helps frame the quilt. |
I moved when I took the picture but you get the idea. Hard to believe that this was the first T-shirt quilt done by Kathi! |
Here's Harriet hiding behind her granddaughter's quilt. She designed the quilting design and then had her computerized HandiQuilter do the quilting. What a lucky grandchild to have such a talented and loving grandmother. |
When Show and Tell was over, we had delicious treats. We were then treated to a program by Lois Griffith titled "I Can't Draw a Straight Line therefore I Can't Draw!" She show us the way to overcome the creativity block that we often run in to when designing patterns for our quilts. Lois is an extraordinary teacher and even helped me! I know I can draw a straight line (using a ruler) but she helped me see how other simple shapes can be combined into the more complex shapes that look so good when appliqued. It was a great start to the year.