Again this weekend I took time out from quilting to participate in my P.E.O. chapter's annual fundraiser. P.E.O. is a Philanthropic Educational Organization and Chapter DN has sold mums each fall to raise money for the scholarship programs we support. It involves asking friends if they'd like to add some fall color to their yard by buying mums and then delivering the mums to them.
Things went like clockwork this year. We were able to unload the truck and sort the mums pretty quickly. It's really true that lots of hands make light work. Lots of hands also means lots of talking and catching up with each other - one of my favorite parts of the mum selling and delivering process. I get to catch up not only with members of my chapter but also the friends to whom I've sold mums.
Laura and Jane checking to see what color the mums are before adding them to the grouping in the yard. It helped that all of the mums except the yellow mums had tags this year.

Michael had lots of cool activity books and Colin had really fun boots. The only problem was they complained about being cold! I have to admit, it was cool on the porch.

We also caught up on the latest antics of Julia, who is now keeping Monica awake at odd hours of the night. She's still an adorable little girl - she woke up just as Monica was getting ready to leave so we got to coo at her. Deb even got her to giggle.
As a new P.E.O., Jane has made her mark by selling an enormous load of mums - 76, I think. She managed to get them all in the truck. Hope she got them all delivered.

As always, proceeds from this sale go to support the P.E.O. projects, providing money for women to continue their education in a variety of ways. If you know a young woman who would benefit from some financial assistance, let me know and I can work to see which program would be appropriate for her.
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