Monday, October 25, 2010

Jeff & Dustin's Weekend

This past weekend was spent in Dallas celebrating the union of Jeff & Dustin.  I picked up Don, Jeff's father, on Friday afternoon and we had an uneventful flight to Dallas.  There, Kristi and Jeanie picked us up at the airport.  We swung by Kristi's apartment so I could meet the cats and then by Jeff's condo so I could see see, in person, what a wonderful job they've done decorating their first home.  Their decorations were contemporary - all very tasteful.  Their bedroom was in browns with gold accents.  But a black and white quilt goes with every color scheme and decorating style, doesn't it?  Let's hope so since this is what I gave them!
Texas Two Step - so named because the top was purchased at the Milroy Amish School Auction.  I thought it was appropriate since Jeff & Dustin now live in Texas.  It actually makes a nice bedspread for my bed, don't you think? 

On to the hotel where friends and family were gathering.  We ran into family that had been seeing the sights, eating the Tex-Mex food and generally having a great time.  Of course, Dallas was in high gear as the Rangers were playing in the AL playoffs and had a resounding win.  The city went wild!  The gathering at a local bar was fun but the noise level and general celebrations were in high gear.

Saturday morning, we had time for a quick walking tour of some fun sights.  Kristi wanted to see the "cows."  They were only a few blocks away so off we went.  These "cows" were actually lifesize sculptures of longhorn steers with three cowboys keeping them in line.

Here's Kristi with the "cows."  There were close to 60 statues in a very lifelike arrangement of being herded down the hill and across the stream.  They were even branded!

After that, we had time to walk towards the Grassy Knoll where JFK was shot.  An emotional moment or two despite the hustle and bustle of city traffic.  The memorial to JFK was a block away from the Texas Book Repository and gave time for contemplation before seeing the actual site of the shooting.
The cenotaph of JFK on Founder's Square.  There was a beautiful plaque explaining the thought behind the structure of this cenotaph - essentially the freedom for his spirit to envelop our lives. 

Back to the hotel for lunch before I headed to the room to rest and read.  I was in the middle of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and was hooked.  If only I could have stayed awake to read! 

Finally, the time arrived for family pictures - just a few select photos here.  The rain had stopped (those of us from Indiana hardly know what rain is like, any more) but it was windy.  Good looking group, don't you think? 

Ken and Louise, Dustin, Jeff, Jeanie & Don

The action surrounding the picture taking was almost the most entertaining part.  Just seeing family members lining up behind the official photographer to take their own pictures was fun.  She was a great photographer to work with.

And then, of course, there are the guys distancing themselves from the action - Donnie, Ken and Don.
On to the reception where margaritas flowed freely (yum) and several partied until the wee hours of the morning.  We had fun sharing stories, laughing and celebrating.  It was a joyful family event and the mothers both made it through their respective toasts without breaking down.

Not much to tell after that - except I drove through rain (drizzle, anyway) on the way home from the airport.   So now it's back to quilting quilts.


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